Saturday, June 28, 2008


Ok so I made a very good (in my mind) attempt to do things to my blog. Now I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make a slideshow, that is why all of my pictures that i uploaded from the wedding are in columns. If anyone can please blog me back and let me know how this is done that would be great :) On the other hand the pictures that Brandon took look amazing! I am so pleased and happy with them. I wish I could have put them all on but adding them one by one proved to be a very long process and then it kind of froze so I gave up for now. Hopefully I will be able to put them all on, for all to see and enjoy, until then, love you all :)


Cody and Camille said...

Natalie! You make such a GORGEOUS bride! Love the pictures! And it's about time you did an update!;) Cody and I just do our slide shows at where you can upload all your pics and then take the ones you want to create a slide show. Then they give you the html that you can just copy and paste into a blog post. If you have questions, just let me know!

Brooke said...

Go with what Camille said! I've never done one. But I agree -- you are gorgeous!! I love the first picture of you laughing. When Brandon was editing the pictures, he would get frustrated because I just wanted to sit and look at them!! Let's do lunch again soon -- Love you!

Reimstar said...

Umm...Hello! Are you alive?! I know you have something to write about! You're a journalist! C'mon give us something! What are you doing?!!! I'm coming back this weekend, I'm gonna give you something to blog about!!! Miss you love you!!!

Lyndsi said...

NAT! Update your dang blog!

Neysa said...

Yay! you have a blog. Dave told me you did. I had your other one on our blog FOREVER and was wondering when you were going to start blogging again. I guess that was the old one though is what I understand from Dave. Now we can keep in touch. It looks soooo cute! I LOVE your wedding pictures. Austin talks about you guys all the time. Every time I say " Austin, tonight you are going to have a babysitter" Austin says " are Natalie and Spencer going to come over to my house?". He LOVES you guys to death. Anyways, how is married life treating you?